Tuesday, December 22, 2009


My last days in Tehuacan were sad and difficult but they were great also. We packed the last week as full as possible which kept our mind off the fact that we were leaving in a few days. We ate out as often as possible at our favorite places, we saw our favorite people and I spent every day trying not to cry. We went out for 'mamelas' one morning which were so delicious... who am I kidding when are they not delicious?? I already miss them!!

Adri and Me

Kami and Bethany were not impressed that I was taking pictures on a day when they didn't have makeup on. I had to approve them making funny faces or else I wouldn't have gotten a picture.

Sooooooo goooood!!

Adri and I walked to the Bodega to get some of our favorite treats and we took pictures the whole way there..... oh so much fun!!

This is a random motorcycle that someone has worked on a lot. We drive by this bike every time we go to the Bodega and get a taxi home. Its weird... the huge box on the back is a big sound system they have added and then there are seats for 3 people.

This intersection is one of the busiest in Tehuacan and there are always a ton of men there to wash the windows of the cars that stop. This guy is up on the hood of the truck washing the window... it's impressive how fast they are at it. This is all over the place in Mexico!

In this one you can get a better idea of how many guys there are

Another thing you can enjoy while sitting at this light is the performers. These guys play with, juggle and blow fire.... ya pretty sweet. That's Mexico for ya!! We rarely tip these guys, if ever actually, they are perfectly capable of going out and getting a job they just choose not to. Oh well that's a totally different issue.

Bodega Aurrea.... this is where I did all my shopping. Unless I was on vacation!

Delicious freshly squeezed juice.... it doesnt matter which juice stand you go to all the men shout the same. I don't remember what this store was called but there are lots all over the city. They all shout "Jugo" the same way. It must be a part of their training.

Yet another thing that is unique about Mexico. Their super high curbs. Sometimes you have to find something else to step on to boost you up on the curb they are so high. I really have no idea why they are so high because it's not consistent. Some of them are regular height some of them are pretty much non-existent and some of them are gigantic. Doesn't really matter to me, just one more thing to add to my list of unique things about this country.

Men whistling... definitely near the top of my list of things I will miss. Haha just kidding.... but seriously I think it is so funny and it makes me feel good about myself. Its going to be weird to go home and not be a novelty anymore. Who cares if I'm a blonde, white girl people back home see those all the time. These men in particular whistled louder than anyone I had ever heard. I had to discretely take a picture while I was walking because Adri and I were laughing so hard. Even when we were a block and a half away we still could hear them.

Cinco de Mayo... what a sweet street name!

Oh Mexico..... there was a pot hole in the sidewalk and so instead of pouring new cement they just nailed coke bottle caps to the ground to fill it in. Coke bottle caps are like duct tape down there, they are use for everything. Washers, pot hole fillers and the list continues....

This is one of my favorite places in Tehuacan... the Lavandaria. They wash my clothes, they dry my clothes and they fold my clothes and then I pick them up in sealed plastic bag to take home. They were the best place in the entire city and it was only a 5 minute walk from m house. It turned out pretty awesome.

Our Lavandaria puppy friend

This is how Dusty discovered the place the first time.... good old light up signs!

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