Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I really don't know how to even explain in words how much I love these two girls. They are two of my very best friends in the entire world and I'm going to miss them so much! On the Tuesday night at ILP (our last ILP classes) I showed the girls the video I had finally finished that we made throughout the semester. It is our version of the Taylor Swift "You Belong With Me" video and it is hilarious. The girls did such a good job in all the filming. I showed them the video and they were all excited to see the final product. Then we exchanged email addresses and said some teary farewells, at least until Thursday when we would be preforming our program. Zaloa, Noelia and Marity came up to me and Zaloa told me that she and Noelia were Marity's cousins. Something I had known since the beginning of the semester. I just laughed and said "Yes I already know that!" Then they proceeded to invite me to go for dinner with them the following evening. Oh man I was so excited.... of course I said yes. I love spending time with those girls. I just had to make sure that her parents wouldn't make fun of me if I didn't know how to speak Spanish. Thankfully both of them speak English very well and were more than willing to speak to me.

Wednesday after the Discovery program all of the other teachers went to a movie at the theater with Teo and I went for dinner with the girls. Zaloa had gotten sick that day and so Noelia and her mother came to pick me up and then we went back to the house to meet up with Zaloa and their dad who were just getting back from the doctors in Puebla. Noelia showed me all around their beautiful house while we were waiting for everyone else. Their home is beautiful. It is in the middle of renovations and so I'm sure like most of us would be, their mother was very apologetic of the non-existent mess. She is such a nice lady! Noelia, showed me their grandmothers house which is just across the wall from them. It is beautiful. It has a huge swimming pool and tennis court. The entire place is very nice!

Me with my two favorite Mexican girlfriends!

Noelia in her closet

This is the view across the wall from Noelia's bedroom. That is the front door of their grandmother's house.

The stairs up to their play room and the sewing and exercise room. Their house has a huge back yard and then it has another building on the other side of the block. It is a bar and a family room type area that can open up to the back yard for parties, upstairs is where I was standing when I took this picture. This building also connects to their grandmother's guest house which is over top of her garage. It was a very neat house.

The Christmas Tree

This is the back of their grandparents home... you can see the diving board. I'm standing right in front of a beautiful dining area where their grandmother has tea with all of her friends each day. It is an outdoor room with a beautiful view of their entire yard.

Marity and Me playing the piano

Zaloa finally arrived and we just had fun chatting and joking around like we always do!!

Yep, these are my girls
They didn't even know they were wearing matching shirts. Zaloa had gone to see the doctor by the time Noelia changed out of her school uniform. That's okay I thought it was super cute!

After they gave me this gift they just sat there and waited for me to cry. They just know that I'm a bit of a cryer and that I especially love them. It was a disastrous combination... how could I not cry? The truth is I did a very good job that night and was able to keep myself together, for the most part.

They got me a beautiful silver necklace and earrings to match. I love them!!

Hanging out with these girls just about kills me... they make me laugh so hard. While we were eating dinner with the family I had a very nice visit with both of their parents. They are such kind people and promised me that one day if they could they would come visit me in Canada. Then they opened the invitation for me to come back and visit as often as I could. How could I turn that offer down? I love Mexico, I love Tehuacan, I love their family... sounds perfect!! Right after dinner Marity's brother came to pick her up. Well I've heard all about Zaloa's cousin before, they have made me look at pictures of him on facebook because according to them he is just so hott!! I very strongly disagreed from looking at the pictures. So they drug me outside to see him, yes it was as awkward as it sounds. However I will admit openly that he is much more handsome in person than he is in pictures. In fact I would willingly rate him in the top five most handsome men I saw the entire time I was in Mexico. Zaloa insists that one of the most attractive things about him is his car. Haha oh I love those girls. After they finished embarrassing me we went up and played guitar and just hung out in Noelia's room until I needed to go. I find it so interesting that as a 20 year old woman I would rather hang out with a 13 year old and a 10 year old than anyone else. Their parents were so wonderful and kind and most adults would probably visit with them but my friends are Zaloa and Noelia and I love them as if they were my peers. They are going to be the number one thing I miss when I leave this place. Along with Teo and Rachael and Moroni. In the past four months these people have become my closest friends and my temporary family. I confide in them, I joke around with them. They make me smile and they are there for me when I cry. They look forward to talking to me as much as I look forward to talking to them. I didn't realize how strong relationships can become in the period of four months. It is going to be just as hard to leave here as it was to leave home.

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