On Monday, after we had walked back from Discovery a group of us were standing at the front gate chatting. Ashley, Moroni, Chelsea, and Adri and a few others were talking when all of the sudden I realized that I wanted to have a Hawaiana Burger for dinner. Everyone was in agreement and so we decided we would go out for dinner that evening. When we were finally ready to go that evening it only ended up being Adri, Chelsea, Moroni and Me who wanted to go. Just as I expected, the food was delicious and it was a super fun evening.
After about 15 tries we were able to capture a half decent picture of the two of us. Moroni isn't very patient when it comes to taking pictures.
Moroni and his huge beer/coconut water!
Adri and I share everything!
When you're hot you're hot... right Adri?
The walk home from dinner was the highlight of me week for sure... well at least until other things happened in the week that were better of made me laugh harder. First we had to walk Chelsea home. We walked by this couple making out in the doorway of this house.... Adri and I were in a bit of a crazy mood and so I in my best singing voice started belting out the song "Tengo Celos" translated meaning "I am Jealous!!" The couple turned to me and were super embarrassed and I just about wet myself I was laughing so hard. Moroni and Chelsea started walking faster and Adri and I could hardly walk because we were laughing. Then we had to stop and take pictures of us in our gangster jackets (well after Moroni lent Adri his because she was cold) I just look ridiculous, Adri looks good! Adri's card was full so every time we took a picture we had to delete another one. After like 10 tries and Moroni just being a pain we finally got one that was half decent and we stuck with it. Then we walked Adri home and then to the school. It was a great night!!
Thursday night this week we had soccer and Dusty and I were pumped about going. Again, tons of people showed up and it was super fun. It is funny, as soon as the teachers arrive we start playing and then when it is time for the teachers to go we shut down and everyone goes home. It is a sweet activity, every Thursday night there are tons of young men and YSA that come together to play soccer which is something all of them are good at. It is so much fun. Something I am going to miss a lot when I get home.
Dusty picked the wrong spot to sit, she got hit probably 4 times with a ball that night, finally she moved behind the net, behind a post to make sure she was safe!
It's hard not to have a smile on your face when you're having that much fun!!
Some of the boys waiting for someone to score so that they could play again. We always play kings court because there are too many people to come. This last Thursday we had 5 teams. I don't know the name of the two boys on the left but in the black is Gabriel and then Nathan in his suit. Even in his dress shoes he owned everyone out there. This is the first week he has come to play and he owned.
Daniel and Sefe couldn't take a serious picture, they just kept putting their hands in Fabian's face. Daniel is in 17 I think and Sefe is 15 or something.... Fabian is older than that.
At one point while we were playing there was someone on my team giving me a hard time about a mistake I had made. I got so frustrated I finally turned to him and said "Stop yelling at me in Spanish, I only speak English!!" Daniel burst out laughing and everyone else who understood what I said. I am fine with being told what to do but not by someone who just stands around and doesn't do anything. Even when this guy gets the ball he doesn't pass it, he just shoots and misses every time and then yells at me for not getting up there. Its a bit aggravating.
The boys... there were two other teams playing while we took this picture and one team hadn't even shown up yet... lots of people come. Even adults like Alfredo come and enjoy the night. Its such a blast! Alfredo is second in on the left, then Salvador, Gabriel, ??, Nathan, ?? Sefe and Daniel.... new people come every week I never know everyone's name.
My boys... Daniel and Sefe are there every week. They also tease me the most! Daniel is the one who is always teaching me new things... I'm never going to be as good as him but oh well.
Friday morning we had dance and we learned that Moroni was going to be moving away the next day. We got some videos of us dancing and decided we would have a dance party that night. We were all very sad and so we took pictures when he walked us back to the school. Thankfully we decided to do that because Teo and Moroni ended up having to go to Puebla in a rush because the school there was broken into again. It was a sad day!
I heard something really good from Teo at dance this week. All of the teachers were sad and Moroni was really sad too that he was leaving. Teo said to us "Its good to be sad?" he said. We asked him why? "Because that means that you were happy!" I think that is very profound and it has most definitely changed my attitude as I have pondered it. There are things that I know will change in my life and things that I am sad to see change. But it is okay for those things to change because that means that at one time they made me very happy and it was a blessing from my Heavenly Father. Instead of being sad I need to be more grateful!!
It looks like you're having a great time!
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