Saturday, November 14, 2009


On Sunday after a nice afternoon at church we visited Cholula. The Pyramid here is supposedly one of the largest pyramids in the world, second only to the Great Pyramid in Egypt. When we got there it wasn't exactly as I expected it to be. Almost the entire pyramid is covered with earth and only part of it has been uncovered. It was beautiful and a really nice way to spend the afternoon. The sun was shining and there was a nice breeze. It reminded me of a nice afternoon back home, it was just a really nice relaxing day. The ruins were beautiful and there was a lot to see.

Okay I just learned something new. Apparently the Pyramid of Cholula is the largest in the world by volume and the Pyramid of the Sun is the second largest. The Great Pyramid in Egypt is the tallest but is not bigger than either of those by volume. Interesting. I actually visited the first and second largest pyramids this weekend. Crazy!!

This is a model of the pyramid... it is huge and you can see on top of it the hill with the cathedral on top of it. It looks tiny. The people who built this pyramid were able to accomplish so much. I look at it and wonder how they did it without the technology that we now have.

Emily, Adri and Lauren
They are standing in front of one of the replicas of a mural found inside the pyramid. The actual mural is over 60 feet in length or something like that.

The gardens were beautiful and the sun was shining!

This is where the ruins are uncovered and you can see some of the original work
You can also see the cathedral in the background

The stairs leading up to the cathedral on top of the pyramid

There was a beautiful view of the city of Cholula and you could see a lot of Puebla from the top of the hill. It was beautiful!

Cholula was beautiful, I can't get over the fact that most of the city is built on top of the huge pyramid. Things changed a lot after the massacre in Cholula when Cortez arrived.

The sun was bright, don't make fun of my facial expressions.

Cholula claims to have a cathedral for every day of the year.... its not quite true but they do have a lot!

Lauren and Emily

The inside of the cathedral was beautiful!

Adri and Me

In the municipal building in Cholula there is a beautiful mural with a picture of Quetzalcoatl appearing to a group of aboriginals who are bowing to him. In the mural he looks exactly like the pictures we have of Jesus Christ with long brown hair and a beard. I was told that they claim that this is there Quetzalcoatl appeared... if he is the same man as Jesus Christ like so many people claim this is where they claim Jesus Christ appeared to the Nephites. It was so neat to be in a place where the people of the Book of Mormon have walked. It has been a neat experience to live in the same area as these ancient prophets and the people I have come to love as I study the scriptures.

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