The last few days of classes have been super fun and we have had a great time playing some hilarious games. On Monday we started our week out talking about traveling and going on trips. We all talked about taking trips to other countries and stuff like that but also taking day trips to places like the zoo and the museum. We had to read one story in our textbook about a mouse family who went to a museum, it was a good one. Well there were a whole bunch of pictures in the book of the sculptures and paintings in the museum. To get language out of the kids I had them explain to the other kids in the class how to act out that painting or sculpture. It was hilarious and the kids had to think really hard in order to actually speak. They would have all preferred to just show the other kids what to do but I wouldn't let them. It was fun!
At Discovery at the beginning of class I told them that we had to do some reading and some spelling and then I had a fun game planned. Santi looked at me all seriously and he says "Teacher Sarah, sometimes you say you have fun games planned, and they are not fun! Is this one fun at all?" In my defense, at least I try.... but I told him I thought this one would be really fun. "We will see!" was all he said to me. Apparently I'm not as cool of a teacher as I thought.
In case you can't tell Maryfer is supposed to be a cowboy... actually because we were reading a book about a mouse museum Marity is a cat and Maryfer is a cowboy mouse! So funny! Katya did a good job of explaining this one to them!
Maryfer - Sculpture of a ballerina
All the girls trying to replicate a painting of a whole bunch of cats.
Zaloa, Noelia, Idalia, Andie, Katya, Marity
Noelia and Marity... who knows what they are trying to be? Serious faces was hard for them but I kind of got it on this one.
Daniela and Pepe are twins and were perfect for this picture. The kids laughed so hard at them trying to be serious.
Santi chose Pepe to be the dancer... he didn't even have to explain to him what to do. When he only chose one person Pepe automatically knew that he was going to make him be the dancer. I laughed pretty hard especially because he did a whole bunch of spins for us afterwards.
The kids at Discovery trying to do the painting.
The best part was that none of the kids wanted to stop playing this game. In fact I had to take the books and the camera away and tell them they had to leave because all of them wanted another team. Santi even admitted to me that "That was a fun game Teacher Sarah!" YES! That's all I wanted was for him to admit that I can make fun games!
Alright, the funniest game in the world is called Lovers Leap... I think. The girls in my ILP class taught it to me and I think that is what they said but that is hard thing for them to pronounce so I'm not actually 100% sure.
Richard just totally took me out instead of jumping on my back... Andi is even pointing and laughing. It was possibly one of the funniest things that has happened thus far
Jesus and Isai were in the final but they did the wrong thing... they were supposed to do Lovers Leap, not exactly sure what Isai was doing but Jesus got smoked in the face
Andi and Noelia were the winners!
The first video is of Monkey on the Back... we played this game again yesterday and I didn't fall over this time but it was hard with dense little Richard. We had so much fun though. Not sure what Teacher Kelsey was thinking... maybe that Jesus was way stronger but she jumped on his back and it was pretty hilarious.
Second video is one of the most embarrassing videos ever taken of me other than the videos that were taken in our hotel in Switzerland. The difference being this one I'm posting on my blog and the others will never be seen by anyone except for Samantha and Kristine.
We had to do the action Dog in the House. I obviously had the wrong shoes on for that activity because it doesn't even look like I attempted to stop at all. I literally just fell right on top of Richard and I look absolutely ridiculous. He hurt his knee pretty bad and I smoked my knee on the ground too and I was so busy laughing I couldn't even pay attention to Richard. I'm a terrible teacher. (will be posted soon)
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