The first thing Ashley and I did on Saturday was went shopping. We had no food in the house, even our peanut butter and jam stores were out and our ramen noodles were gone. It was kind of depressing. We went to the store and decided that we were going to stock up on things we knew we were going to use for the rest of the semester. We spent $2000 pesos and had two carts full of food by the time we were done. I think everyone kept looking at us and tried to figure out what the heck these two skinny white girls were going to use all of this food for. Mexicans usually go grocery shopping everyday so I'm sure people thought we were crazy. I don't really care, now I won't go hungry. We made sure to take a picture when we got back to the house to prove to some worrying people back home that we had food.
Ashley and I threw a big birthday party for everyone on Saturday afternoon and it was super fun. We had everyone over here at the apartment and we just hung out, played cards, ate pizza (which was really good) and took pictures. I think this was the first time we had everyone together for something other than to teaching. It was fun.
Yes you are correct, those candles are in a bucket of ice cream. We did make cake but it was possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted. On the instructions we were supposed to make the cake in a pot on the stove. It ended up tasting like burnt metal with chemicals leaking into it. It was so gross. The best part was that after I tasted it and told everyone how gross it was everyone else insisted on going and trying it. It was pretty terrible!
Savannah, Sarah Kelsey, Adri... Ra Ra Ra!

Happy Birthday Adri!
Kathy, Chelsea, Dusty and Adri
Discussing the Spanish directions on the back of the box... its a team effort!
The whole gang, together at last!
Ryan, Brooke, Dusty, Kathy, Kami, Kelsey, Chelsea
Savannah, Adri, Bethany, Ashley and I
I did have one more adventure that ended up in an injury. Cooking pizza in an oven and having no pan for it to sit on and also only having one hot pad made it kind of hard to get the pizza out of the oven. In the process of getting the last pizza out of the oven, with one hand holding the pizza and the other trying to push it up from underneath the rack I burnt my arm pretty bad. The rack fell onto my arm and it took me several seconds to get my arm away from the hot metal. These first two pictures were taken right after I got the burn so it doesn't even look that bad. It has progressively gotten worse and now it looks gross and is starting to scab. It hurts way more now too. If I took a picture now all you would see is a band-aid because I had to cover it up... maybe when it gets a bit better I'll post another picture.
The only injury I have received thus far in Mexico has been burns. I burnt my ear with my straightening iron and it had a nasty blister on it for a while, now its just a nice scab. Then this one and then last night I burnt my arm on a pot of hot water trying to protect my other arm from the steam. I think I'm kind of stupid sometimes.
I am healing and I kind of hope that this one on my left arm scars so that I have a sweet memory from Mexico!