Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Makin' Banana Pancakes

Tuesday night this week was totally awesome and amazing! After classes (which went so well by the way) Bethany, Ashely and I treated ourselves to something special. BANANA PANCAKES!! We had spent quite some time trying to decide what we were going to eat for dinner and then when we finally chose... oh it was an exciting moment.

First we got all of the ingredients ready and then to make the experience so memorable Bethany pulled out her little iPod dock and we listened to some good old Jack Johnson. I don't think I've ever been so excited to prepare and eat food before. We took a ton of pictures, Bethany cracked some funny jokes and then after what seemed like an eternity we ate. We have one frying pan down here... it is big enough for one pancake. Making one pancake at a time takes a lot longer than you think it would. I am so grateful for electric griddles back home! Didn't think I could miss something so simple.

I love bananas and I love pancakes... obviously I'm going t love Banana Pancakes!!

Bethany pulled out some nutella her mom sent her and then we had peanut butter and syrup also, depending on the mood we were in. We each had three pancakes so if we really wanted we could have one of each. I had one nutella and two with maple syrup... so delicious. Alright you know you are running out of things to write about when you start writing about what you had on your pancakes. Although that was pretty much the highlight of my entire week.

That is how big the smile on my face was the entire night... I love Banana Pancakes!

Oh I did learn one more cool thing. Laka Ukulele (I have no idea how to spell it) Mama had a Baby... are some words in the song Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson. Well apparently that is a little chant that kids in Hawaii say when they are skipping rope. Didn't even know that... Bethany lived in Hawaii for a while and she shared some of her knowledge with me. What a good friend!

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