Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Head Injuries and Cheerios

This week my ILP classes were so fun. The girls make me laugh so hard I can't even explain it. It is more like going to hang out with my girlfriends rather than going to teach English. On Tuesday this week we were writing Personal Narratives and the girls were just talking while we were doing it. Noelia was trying to write a story about when she thought she had lost her phone. "One day I went to the bathroom. When I was done I left but then I couldn't find my phone. I went back into the bathroom because I thought I had dropped my phone in the TWILIGHT." Haha oh man Noelia kept calling the toilet the twilight, we were all laughing so hard at her. Then we got onto the topic of Twilight since all of the girls are obsessed with it. Okay who am I kidding I am a little bit obsessed too! Zaloa was telling me that it would come out in English first but that there would be Spanish subtiddles.... haha oh man she couldn't say the word right at all. We all burst out laughing as soon as it came out of her mouth. So funny then later I was talking and instead of saying a holiday I pronounced it holidie... I don't know if this even makes sense to anyone reading it but I'm enjoying typing it.

Then on Wednesday in class we were sitting there and all of the sudden Noelia just started laughing so hard out of nowhere. Then all she was like "Teacher Sarah, your ankle looks like a nose." I don't know where she got that from but the girls drew a face on my ankle and took pictures. I don't think I've ever seen Noelia so close to tears. Can't you tell I'm teaching the kids so much... oh well at least we are speaking English while all of this is going on.

My ankle that apparently looks like a nose

Andie brought the football helmet for our movie

This is what my crazy girls are like sometimes in class.... we really spend most of the class laughing!!

Savannah dancing with our new Salsa Teacher

Ashley is always so happy at dance!!

Well this week has been kinda ridiculous... I didn't think I could possibly get any dumber. I know that I do silly things sometimes but this week really did take the cake. So I was walking to school the other day with Adri and I was walking on the sidewalk while Adri was walking on the road. I was looking over at her while we were talking and then it happened.... I walked straight into this huge metal box on the wall. The corner of it smoked me right on the head and it hurt a lot. I kept walking after kinda complaining and putting my hand on my head... I was trying to walk it off. When I pulled my hand away it was covered in blood.... stupid head injuries bleed so much. Then Adri called Ashley for me, she said that I she needed to call her to make it more dramatic. Ashley and Moroni came and got me at the school and walked me to Rachel and Teo's house where Ashley washed my wound for me before I went to teach my class. My kids were so concerned about me when I got back, they all wanted to see the cut on my head. All of them asked me if I had painted my hair because the blood had made some nice red streaks in it for me. They were so sweet! I was pretty out of it during class and I felt bad for the kids because I wanted to be super energetic but all I could think of doing was curling up in a ball and going to sleep. It was a long lesson to get through, but we did it and the kids still love me I think.

My bloody cut....

This stupid metal box is the culprit... I'm just the one stupid enough to walk into it

What a good friend!

I was super grateful when Wednesday was finally over

Thursday night I wasn't planning on going to soccer because I needed to set up for our Halloween party at ILP the next day but that didn't take as long as we anticipated. I ended up being able to go which made me so happy. Adri had to run home to straighten her host sister's hair and so while I was waiting for her to come back I hung out with Vanilka, Atzi and Arad (Sandy's kids) and they were so fun! Arad doesn't really talk to me but for some reason that night he was my best friend!

Vanilka, Atzi, Arad and Me

We had trick or treaters stop by the school on Thursday night and their costumes were totally awesome. That is one thing that is a little bit different down here in Mexico, those kids who do go trick or treating go all week. It is a pretty steady stream for about four days... and they trick or treat everywhere. We even had some kids come trick or treating at the market. on Friday morning at like 9:00 am.

So cute! Atzi and Ashley

Arad took this picture, he did a pretty good job I think.

Vanilka took this one... I love these kids!

This is the happiest time of my week... I love playing soccer with these YM. They rock and they are starting to teach me a lot too.... now that I can communicate with them a little bit more.

My awesome team!!! I don't know what the little guy's name is in the middle but whoever he was I want him on my team every time, he rocks in goal!!
Israel, Vladmir, ???, Me and Nestor (Little Nestor)

Adri and I walked home from soccer that night and we made sure to stop at THE Make-out Tree.... every day when we walk to school there is a couple that is making out on this tree. It has the perfect incline for him to lay back on... oh I love PDA's in Mexico.

Adri is one hot chick.... Kelsey said "You can't see him, he must be Mexican!"

See I told you... perfect incline!

We were kinda hungry when we got home.... who am I kidding I'm always so hungry. So what did we do?? We came home and ate our very favorite cereal out there. So delicious!! What a great night, it might not get better than this!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Darling it's better down where its wetter take it from me....

Well it has been a little too long since I last updated my blog and a lot has happened since then. The same weekend we went to the movie "The Rebound" we had Stake Conference. Adri, Chelsea, Dusty, Brooke, and I all sang in the choir which was really nice. We sang "Grande eres Tú" or "How Great Thou Art" and "Oración de un niño" aka "A Child's Prayer." They both went really well and it was neat to learn to sing in Spanish. I think that singing in Spanish is much easier than speaking, maybe because I love to sing and I understand music so much faster than anything else. It was really cool. One thing that I love about it here in Mexico is that everyone sings in church meetings. It doesn't matter if they are a good singer or not (which is a large number of them) they sing as a form of worship and I love listening to them. The same is the case when you sing in a choir, there are some who maybe shouldn't sing super loud because they pull others off key but they are singing the words of the hymn and sharing their testimony to the congregation. I am glad that I participated even though it meant 4 hours of practice for a couple of weeks. I even joined late! Brooke sang a beautiful duet with Fabian also during Conference. They sang "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" and it was beautiful. Dusty played the piano and she did a great job too.

Adri and I straightened Dusty's hair on Sunday morning. Actually the reason we had time to do that is because we all woke up an hour early because we didn't realize there had been a time change. We went onto Daylight Savings Time earlier than we do back home and so we all were up and getting ready to go at 6:00. Dusty's hair looked so beautiful, and so blonde! She had never ever straightened it before so it was a new experience for her too.

Dusty's hair is so long but thankfully it is also very thin so it didn't take too long to straighten.

Unfortunately this week has been a wet one... a really wet one. It has poured rain most days and if the day does start out warm it ends up rainy and cold. :-( I can officially say I was freezing in Mexico several times this week. On Monday we had to walk to school in the pouring rain. Adri and I were not that impressed about it. I at least had a sweater to keep me somewhat warm, Adri had to walk there in her t-shirt and she was soaked. It at least was good for a laugh! Classes were pretty lame that day because the kids were just itching to go outside or to go home. They were all miserable from the rain too I think. Some of the kids went home early after being out in the rain for just a little bit because they were so wet. It was a crazy day.

After class today we planned on going over to Rachel and Teo's house for FHE to make them dinner since they have all been sick. When we showed up with dessert for them we actually ended up waking them up. So plans changed, we dropped off dessert and then we went out for tacos with Teo and Moroni and let Rachel go back to sleep again. It was raining when we left and by the time we got to the taco place we were pretty wet. The streets were beginning to look more like streams than roads and the water was pouring off the rooftops but it wasn't bad enough to deter us from eating.

"Yes, this is Teo"
Teo's approving response after looking at the picture

Moroni, Ashley and Adri
Moroni's shirt has dried off a little bit at this point... we were all pretty wet from the rain

Teo was wearing closed toe shoes so Ashley volunteered to carry him!

I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my entire life. I was dripping wet and shivering because I was freezing cold but when Teo stopped at this WC sign I just about wet myself and laughed so hard it didn't matter how cold I was. He told me that this could not be posted on facebook and I told him fine I would only post it on m blog. "This is not how Stake President's act..." he said. Well I think he is one hilarious Stake President!

This is Adri walking down the river to her house! The rain drops were so huge... it was super wet!

We were just waiting to make sure Adri got into her house safe. I was so cold but I had to show everyone how deep the water was getting. You can't see my feet at all and at this point it had only been raining hard for a few hours. It rained like this most of the night too!

Can you see how wet we are?... oh what an awesome adventure!

I wish I could say that our adventure ended there but it didn't. When we woke up the following morning out apartment had flooded... A LOT! I have some videos I will continue to try to upload but they take a while. This picture doesn't even do it justice... there was more than two inches of water pretty much everywhere. It took the three of us several hours just to

We had just woken up....

Ashley's job was to get the water out the kitchen door... we had quite the system!

Adri showed up to go for a run and ended up cleaning the apartment with us... "This is what I get for not sleeping in this morning!" Haha oh she makes me laugh... sometimes it sucks to be a good friend!!

It actually was a super fun morning... all an attitude right?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Pablonator just PWNED you!!!

(Sorry... spelling update courtesy of Ken)

It was Morgan's birthday on Monday and Dad's birthday on Thursday... I sent them each something but this picture was my make do gift that I emailed to them on their birthdays. You have to be creative when you are a long way away as well as when you don't have any money. This is actually not just for Morgan and Dad though... the reason I'm posting it is because it is for anyone who has had a birthday while I've been gone or will have one while I am gone. Breanne, Vicki, Karla, Nin, Heather, Jordy, Kari, Auntie Colette, Uncle John, Katrina, Ali, Porter, Gary, etc. That is just a small list there are a many others who's birthday I will miss. Love you all!!

I look forward to seeing Richard every single day! On Thursday he showed up with safety glasses on... it makes me laugh just to think about. I laugh even harder when I see the picture. He also had one white glove that he wore all class.

Class on Friday was fun. The girls and I just talked and made origami frogs, hats and cranes. We also attempted to make an origami horse but the directions we had were really hard and confusing. Maryfer, Idalia and Katya are so diligent when it comes to attending class. They are all getting way better and are doing super well! I'm going to miss these girls so much. We had a dance party at Discovery on Friday afternoon which was super fun. Santi asked me if I drank because I was super crazy on the dance floor. Then Paula came up to me and said "No you don't drink Sarah, you drink a lot!!" It was fun, one of the girls came and told us "This is the best party I have been to in my entire life!" They are so cute. We were dancing to music that will be in our end of semester program and as I was thinking about it I realized that I'm going to bawl my eyes out on December 18th. That is my last day with my kids and at the school, etc. It will be exciting because I will be looking forward to going home but it is going to be very, very sad. I've decided that I am going to have the best attitude possible and enjoy every second that I have down here in Mexico! This is a once in a life time opportunity and I'm not going to regret how I spent my time down here.

We made origami samurai hats... we are so cool!!

That is Katya trying to make a serious face... she is not very good at it. Idalia and Maryfer just give me those unimpressed looks every class because they think I'm a total nut, they are getting really good at it!

I was trying to show everyone that I thought the girls were crazy but you can't really capture that in a still shot can you? Instead I just look dumb but thats okay!

Idalia takes the cake for the creepiest looking girl in this picture. I told them to try to look scary and she took it to whole other level. Maryfer and Katya were just being funny and then I saw Idalia and I realized that likely her Halloween costume will freak me out.

I love these girls!

We went to a movie tonight which was so much fun. The Rebound was totally hilarious and definitely a movie I may consider going to see again in theaters. The title of my blog is a line from the movie which just about made me pee my pants because I was laughing so hard. I wish I could just attach a link so that you could see that funny clip but instead you may just have to watch it yourself sometime!
Bethany just taking a break in the nice comfy chair

Just a small little door we thought we should take a picture of

We all look so awkward in this picture, some are trying to look awkward others such as Ashley and I just look awkward without trying.